Work is such trouble because it is not our life... at least we think it is not supposed to be our life.
But work has always been the world's life. Work has always been what brings meaning and happiness to a person's life. The past, present and future get wrapped up into one when our work is the only thing in our life we want to be doing.
The trouble is not, then, what our job is. The trouble is that we do not allow our work to become our life when we are "at work". If we can dive in head first to our job, happiness will ensue.
Actually, for many people, the problem is not to allow work to become their life. The problem is that we do not allow our life to be our work. If, when I went home everyday, I allowed myself to be swallowed up by my family, and allowed the present moment of my family to be my "work", I would be happy.
Instead, I find my mind wandering back to the work I do at the "office". I find my concentration is not on making my family life better, but on making my "work" better.
If I can allow myself to make my family my work, happiness will ensue.
And not just for me, but also my loved ones at home.
This tendency to focus on work would be just fine if I realized that it is work to bring happiness to a family.


  1. Vdadi Amron Says:

    I never compartmentalize. It serves me incredibly well.....

  2. Anonymous Says:


    I am a volunteer at the Civic Garden Center. I've come to see your blogs through your recent assistance in petitioning City Council for urban gardens, and like them very much.

    I'm semi-retired, and absolutely attribute any "success" I had in a work setting to being fully engaged. I always thought, "Hey, it's my eight (ten..) hours too!"
    Being from the Kesey-ian generation, I say, "You're either on the bus or you're off."

    Nina Castro

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