body I am trying out this new service I have been seeing lately, It is a central tool to post to any social networking, micro-blogging, or blogging services that you may belong to. The list is quite long.

My original hope was to post simultaneously to Twitter and Plurk, without having to worry about either of them. And that is where stepped in.

So far, it seems to be incredibly well thought out, with a nice interface.

Once I post this, I will have to check and see if it works as I am hoping.

I'll let you know how it works out.

Peace out.

Work is such trouble because it is not our life... at least we think it is not supposed to be our life.
But work has always been the world's life. Work has always been what brings meaning and happiness to a person's life. The past, present and future get wrapped up into one when our work is the only thing in our life we want to be doing.
The trouble is not, then, what our job is. The trouble is that we do not allow our work to become our life when we are "at work". If we can dive in head first to our job, happiness will ensue.
Actually, for many people, the problem is not to allow work to become their life. The problem is that we do not allow our life to be our work. If, when I went home everyday, I allowed myself to be swallowed up by my family, and allowed the present moment of my family to be my "work", I would be happy.
Instead, I find my mind wandering back to the work I do at the "office". I find my concentration is not on making my family life better, but on making my "work" better.
If I can allow myself to make my family my work, happiness will ensue.
And not just for me, but also my loved ones at home.
This tendency to focus on work would be just fine if I realized that it is work to bring happiness to a family.

There is a sweet spot in life when you begin to understand concepts as opposed to objects and feelings as opposed to facts. There is a point in life when the abstract world is not only recognized but it is understood. I call this the sweet spot in life because this initial understanding is filled with a sense of justice, a sense of power, and a sense existence mastery. "I can do anything." As at this point we have reached our potential as humans, where we can create the abstract in the concrete. We can begin to express our ideas as physicaly manifestations in the world, and our idea of power grows. I cannot tell you how long this era of bliss lasts in each individual's life but I can tell you that just as pollution seeps into a beautiful pond slowly ruining its godliness, doubt enters our minds.

"I can do anything" starts to become "I can do anything... well almost anything.'" to eventually the point in our lives when we reach "I should probably just do what I am good at and others' think is ok." At this point our invincibility internally becomes a point of contention. We begin to wrestle with others' roles and how they relate to our strive for perfection, for our "anything." The madness begins when this outside influence begins to contradict the creations in our head.

Doubt is a non-biological human disease. It is a social disease. It is infectious and passed down from generation to generation. Doubt only enters our mind through the influence of others.

This doubt causes a degradation to our imagination and begins a very scary process of losing our dreams to a simpler cause. Everything new in our society has never been done before. I know this sounds quite obvious, but we should take a closer look on how stifling the imagination hinders the advances of society (advances being technical in nature, as there are definite and valid ideological differences that exist pointing to a less technical existence as real advancement.) We can take control again through Meditation and Understanding Technology and our Brains

Next post: Imagination Creation

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